Whilst trimming toenails, once again my daughter comes up with a ‘why’ that leads to a hilarious conversation (at least from my end).
Me: Jeez, how long has it been since you had your nails trimmed? You could climb trees with these feet. (colloquialism from my youth)
K: Why would you climb trees with your feet?
Me: Uh, well it’s a funny that means you could use your toenails to climb the tree because they’re so long. *pause* Like a monkey.
K: Monkeys don’t trim their toenails?
Me: Have you ever seen a monkey with a pair of nail trimmers?
K: No.
Me: Well then I suppose they probably don’t trim their nails, do they?!? Unless they chew them, I guess….hmm
Monkeys always have long and dirty nails. I would never eat a dinner one of them has cooked, or let one style my hair. 🙂
We used to call Lyssa ‘monkey toes’.