Why yes I did make up the word ‘faux’mschooling. Do you like it? It’s my way of saying that I’m homeschooling my pre-schooler even though she’s not really getting a lot of sit down instruction every day. She does get a lot of learning in though! It’s November and that can only mean one thing. Turkeys. We’ve borrowed nearly every kids book in our area about turkeys or Thanksgiving. We talk about being thankful and loving others, and visiting family and what that will be like. I want her prepared for Thanksgiving day! We haven’t really touched the pilgrim/Indian thing yet, but I have a book at the library waiting to be picked up I think that will help us talk about it. Exciting! Why, yes, I did say Indian. I know it’s old school and not pc but when it’s in your blood, you can say whatever you want. Pass the peace pipe over the word ‘Indian’ alright? Good.
Now, I do some crafting now and then, but my daughter has mostly done hers at library times or her church club. They are obviously prepared and have more time devoted to it. I figured, though with a little forethought that we could make something reasonably cute. Here’s our first project, a turkey hand. I traced around her hand and then ‘traced’ feathers of different colors for her to cut out. She glued all the pieces on, I cut out the turkey face pieces, she can’t do that yet. Amazingly, this is just what our library people do. Duh! They let them do things they CAN do and the small stuff is pre-done. I’m glad I figured that out, it takes a lot of stress out of the situation! The glitter glue was an inspired stroke of genius, don’t you think? She had to have help with that, she couldn’t squeeze the tube, but I think it’s pretty cute. You know, for a turkey. Oh yeah and she SIGNED her artwork with a K. Woohoo!
This one obviously took on a whole new life. I printed the template online (searched turkey crafts for toddlers or similar in Google) and then deciphered what she was thankful for and wrote them down. Again I helped with the small pieces and she did all the big pieces and coloring.

Things she’s thankful for at 4: Candy, cookies, Daddy, Brennan, coloring, playing outside, breakfast, applesauce and love.
I like the top one!