Words: dad, mom, night-night, ball, please, MMM and Baby signs: More. Waving hello/goodbye.
Emotional: Cries when people leave the room, laughs when you laugh, or at ‘funny’ things that are out of the ordinary, can ‘love’ any toy by giving it a hug. Hugs and kisses family.
Motor skills: Crawling, cruising, walking with aid of a walker, loves to dance. Will stand for a few seconds if you let go of her hands, then sit down.
Food stuffs: Nursing morning, nap, nap, night time. Solid food, lots of it. Is getting used to cow’s milk (aka moo juice) but would rather have water.
Favorite toys: balls, books, anything she can take out and put into anything else, things that play music/make noise.
Cute things: turning her head to the side and grinning, like ‘aww, you can’t tell me no’…it’s terribly cute.
Not so cute things: the screaming, and of course fruit seems to really mess up her system. Ewww.
If she’s “getting used to milk but prefers water”, she may be a little lactose intolerant. My son was though he outgrew it. I didn’t push the milk but tried soy and rice milk. He liked the soy okay. Just keep an eye – gas or runny stools would tip you off.