Well, you’ve seen wedding pictures, it was a long night mostly because of driving, and the indeterminable (and crushing) wait for food and music to start once the wedding was done, while trying to keep 2 kids calm who normally eat a half hour before the wedding even started. So Sunday morning, naturally, we all slept in. We didn’t even get up from the table until around 10. I scrounged around and found a good bible verse I thought Keeley could understand and we went outside for ‘cowboy church’. Mostly, we walked and talked about nature and how beautiful it is and how God made everything. Yes, we talked about science, and the earth, recycling, animals and plants and any number of other things. It was a nice time of renewal and rest.
Where do you see God?
There are so many answers to this question. For this Sunday, I felt God when my husband spoke in church about service and shared how his life has been blessed by service. I was reminded how our service always brings blessings tenfold and how tenderly God loves each one of us, asking us to love and care for each other in His name, in His service.