September has been a busy month so far. Labor day weekend we went to a family reunion. This past weekend we visited with my husband’s grandparents and step mom. We still have a wedding, homecoming, and football game to go, and that’s just the main events. That doesn’t count church, church meetings, club meetings, dr appointments, swim lessons… whew.
Thankfully for the most part for the last few weeks both girls have decided to sleep through the night. That doesn’t mean that I’m not awake at 3 a.m. typing this though. I hate it when that happens. I’m getting more rest, but seeming like I need even more. Probably because we’re so busy? Hmm… ah well, we look forward to a winter that is mostly going to be staying at home, I’m sure, so we’ll embrace the busyness while the weather is nice. Yup, nice. The last week we’ve been able to open the windows and get a breeze and not be too warm, which is wonderful!
Wait, did I say September? I know, I know the kids are going back to school, I should know this, but… my sassy girl turns FOUR!?! in a few weeks. Ack! She was just a newborn! I always look forward to October, Halloween, football, chill in the air, but having a little one with a birthday makes it even more special. She’s really grown up in the last couple of weeks and I’m THRILLED! I need her to be on my team, ha!
Back to reality, I’ve also been preserving peaches the last couple of weeks. Which means feeding the baby some (and then dreading the diaper) because she whines for them, she loooooves them! Waiting until the majority of them are ripe, scalding and shocking them, peeling them, slicing them and putting them with fruit fresh, and then bagging them, 5 cups at a time into the freezer. I figured paying $15 total for probably a weeks’ worth of fresh peaches, plus enough for 5 pies is a pretty good return on my investment. However, my kitchen is a wreck. I need to do apples at some point, as well. Heck, we need to eat the apples we put back 2.. wait, hmm 3 years ago first. I’ll have to do that today perhaps, see what’s in there. My mom was kind enough to give us some blackberries, as well, so we have those in the freezer to use for pie/cobbler as well. I feel lucky that we’ll have fresh fruit desserts for a lot of the winter and perhaps as easy potluck/Thanksgiving/Christmas dishes as well!
Other than that, things are going okay around here. Matt is working on a promotion or getting a new job (with a promotion attached). He feels undervalued and lately it seems as though too many people are taking credit for things that he does. I guess he has to deal with that how he sees fit, but I find it ridiculous. I want him to be happy (and yes, the money would be fabulous, having another vehicle payment is eating into our.. everything budget) and to feel challenged. This most recent job has required a lot more travel and it does take a toll on everyone. On the other hand, he works from home most times one day a week. I’d love 2. Honestly, I would. He’s in bed longer which means I’m interrupted later, and he’s home an hour sooner without the wear and tear of a drive. I get to feed him and get a real thank you out of it. Because I feel spoiled when he’s home, I try and spoil him back a bit. That’s fair, right?
I envy you the fresh fruit through winter! Ours just gets eaten and I can’t really afford to buy a lot of it because we don’t have a freezer to put them in.
Good luck to Matt finding another job or getting a promotion! He’s managed to pull that off twice since I’ve been reading you. I actually find that rather amazing.