Make that 9 days since this is posting Friday.. wow. Here’s what I have on her list so far:

This is inexpensive and we don’t have one, plus they’ve been around forever, so it’s a classic toy, safety is pretty much guaranteed.

Another classic toy from a trusted brand, helps with gross/fine motor skills.

Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.

Wheelies cars, which would go well with something we’ve already gotten her. What we got her holds 15 of these little suckers! We have tow truck, purple jeep and the construction ones (only the tow truck will be Happy’s!)

The only 2 items we have for her
I’m not positive we have anything else tucked away for her. This may be it. Update: dug everything out of the toy closet and only found the 2 items above. We should probably do something else. I think THESE would be great for both girls so it may be a combined Christmas present, but we’ll have to order online:

pink duplos (not in our stores 🙁 )
In search of other things to add to our wish list. Must be able to be shared amongst siblings without too much hassle, and of course safe for a 1 year old. Ideas?

I mean who can resist this face?
It is amazing that one year has gone by.
And you know what – she isn’t going to play with any of those toys. She will only be interested in what her big sister has in her hands!
I’m in shock she’s almost 1. Just unbelievable!