This morning I brought in our lonely 5 onions. The tops had died and they were coming out of the soil. We planted 2 rows, so maybe 50 plants and got 5. Luckily, they were free to us, so we’ll just use them and be happy that we had *something* to show for it. I sent the ‘large’ potatoes that we dug up with my mom, so we need to go and dig the rest of them. Then I need to mow that part of the garden off and be done with it.
We’re still waiting for the rain we’ve been promised for about 3 weeks. Not a single drop. Which is why our strawberries are covered in tons of grass/weeds. I wanted it to rain and then we could easily go out and pull the tall grass. Well… yeah. They’ve grown so much that we can’ t mow around them and our weedeater (a year old) magically died and my husband hasn’t taken it back to get a refund as of yet. It has a small tiller attachment. Boy I hope he decides to do that soon, as I’m not sure how long the warranty lasts. Oh well, it’s only money I guess!
So here’s a photo, 2 of the tomatoes on the counter are from my mom, but the cherry tomatoes, and one in and one out of the bucket are ours. See the onions underneath. I’ll have to do something to make sure they don’t go bad before we can use them.