I got another phone call today, giving me cut off times for food and drink and time for us to arrive at the hospital. I think we got the first slot, or at least very close, as we have to be there by 6:45 a.m. We’ll be on the road by around 5:30 a.m. and B can have water until 5 and milk until 1. So yes, my alarm is set for 12:25 to give her a chance to nurse on both sides and get a really big belly full.
They suggested we bring a lovey if she has one, the closest thing is a little toy that used to attach to our vibrating chair that she used as a newborn, she has it in her bed and I make a big deal out of giving it loves and holding it for bed, so we may attach it to some links and attach it to her diaper bag and see if that helps. She doesn’t take a pacifier, but I have one packed, hoping if she needs comfort it will help her a little since I won’t be able to nurse her.
We bathed her and put her in a little shirt she can wear tomorrow, and put some babylegs in her diaper bag in case of a chill, it’s supposed to be cold on the surgery wing.
Waiting to hear…..