just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!
Matt worked late, we had homemade pizza bread. Saturday morning we went outside early to water, mow, etc. and then the big kid went to swim lessons while I stayed home and the little one napped. I got a TON done around the house, and then we did family swim again (picture from last week, but, whatever) and played and mowed post-dinner homemade spaghetti, and went to Wally World, then Sunday morning got up and made blueberry and strawberry muffins (packaged) and then visited my folks, Matt’s grandparents, and Matt’s mom and stepdad before heading home. Both girls totally zonked out and woke up as we were on the last road home.
It was a VERY full weekend and I am exhausted! Go figure, no photos, sorry, will have to do better next time! Also, the house is a wreck again. How does this happen?