In case you’re not aware, this is how a 3 year old’s mind works during a soccer scrimmage: offer me the red jersey, I scream and want yellow. You give me yellow, I change my mind and scream and want red. It does not matter what you say to me, I’m going to be mad about it. Oh look, kids, I should go play with them..stand and watch, then kick, then pick it up and take it away from the other kids, then put it down and giggle madly and kick it again. Then…. during the game …grab the net, be mad when your parents tell you to let go of the net so you can catch the ball… run down the field away from your goalie position.. be mad when you’re told to go back. And then… when you’re supposed to be playing, stand by the goalie. Then be mad that you didn’t score because you either stood talking to the other kids, were in one goal or the other (indiscriminately) when you’re supposed to be running. Don’t forget to stop for drinks 100 times. Especially when you should be playing. Ignore the fact that your parents cheered you on the 3 times you kicked the ball. Oh yes and cry when someone else kicks the ball other than you! Also, be sure to switch teams/jerseys with another kid in the middle of the game and spend 5 minutes ignoring your parents who are trying to help you put the new jersey on.. and don’t let the teacher give you a medal, insist on taking it in your hand and then put it on yourself..
Bah!!!! that was how the first part of our afternoon went on Sunday
Luckily the 2nd half wasn’t quite as awful, trekking another 1/2 hour back (all we did was run yesterday) to town in order to swim for an hour (and man is she loved by all the ‘big girls!’) with daddy and the older girls and then be mad because it’s time to eat. Continue to be mad when the other kids get back in the pool and you’re not allowed to…but still have a good time anyway.