Fun Monday itself has died a slow and painful death, so my goal is going to be showing you something fun on Mondays! Or telling you if I don’t have a picture to show! Below is my first lily to open. There are dozens and dozens of buds even on this one plant! I’ll try and get another pic when it’s not raining, AND when there are more open. My mom simply had too many plants, so she gave some to me! Woohoo! Now they’ve been back there I think it’s the second year, but anyway…there are 5 of these gorgeous things, and we bought a small pack of bright orange lilies of a different type (more like tiger lilies than day lilies), and there are 4 of them, so they are kind of interspersed between the yellow…and those we planted on top of the hill 2 years ago. Last year we transplanted them with these others, and they bloomed, but were stunted a little bit. Now, they are all four back! And… all are budding. It will be an explosion of color! Yeah! So today, my fun is ‘nearly free’ flowers! I think the name of them in Latin is roughly ‘of gold’ can see why. Beautiful! If you want to play along, just post on your blog and let me know in the comments. Everyone else, check the comments! This is not an attempt to resurrect Fun Monday, but if you were looking for something to post about today, this is your impetus!

Stella De Oro lilies
That just shows how further you are into spring then we are. My day lillies are not even close to blooming yet.
Gorgeous! I’m going to be trying my hand at bulbs this year. Wish me luck… my track record with gardening isn’t the greatest…
Star of Gold!