Well, we had 2 days of banana, and then slept through 2 days of dinners. So last night we gave her sweet potato! She had a lot more success getting that to her mouth, and even though there was some requisite gagging, she did manage to get a couple of small chunks down (don’t ask me how I know). It definitely went over better than the banana, same as big sister. The good news is that a sweet potato is quite large so she can have that for several meals, and the rest of us can eat the rest when she’s ready for something else!
oh and now she’s eating paper? sheesh.
G tried bananas this morning and didn’t like them. He tried several bites and then he’d had enough. We tried sweet potatoes last weekend and he loved him. We had to stop giving them to him, though. He got a diaper rash as soon as it came out. 🙁 His doctor said we don’t need to worry too much about giving him a bunch of solids since he’s still trying to catch up his weight. He loves eating solids, though. :0)