I was going to do thoughts on a Thursday, but sadly, life got in the way. Specifically, dealing with 2 kids, one who is teething and one who is on a letdown from having company, holiday sugar high, and daddy being gone all week.
I think I’d rather go through sorority rush week of emotional toil, or football camp hell week with hours of running until you barf than ever do this again. I have no idea how single parents (or even those who are temporarily single due to deployments, etc) do it. There literally is never a break. Sleeping is merely an anomaly that happens in between feedings and diaper changes. Even though I had a bonus kid (my niece) who was with us from Sunday night until Wednesday morning, it still was horrible. We have about 16 hours until dad gets home now. You can bet I’ll be counting down every last waking one.
So how do I have a spare minute right now? Baby is napping and big kid is watching Sesame street. I don’t expect it to last. I already have lunch stuff lined up, because I know I won’t get much of a chance to do it later. Spoons, knives, peanut butter and bread all set out, etc. I’m hoping to get everything streamlined for the rest of the day so that I can just ‘rest’ this evening. That’s the hope anyway.
There’s no real philosophy here. I would apologize, but I really doubt you expected any philosophy anyway. If you did, I’m sorry, and you’re in the wrong place. Feel free to stick around, though, you never know what will happen.
Hooray for hubs coming home!!