The PP stands for something that rhymes with ‘lanned larenthood’. It must be that time of year again. All I’m hearing about is teen pregnancies.. and all over the radio are commercials that say ‘we didn’t use protection’ and ‘pregnancy will ruin my life’… I take issue with both of these. The second more than the first, but still. We didn’t use protection? What the $#** is wrong with kids these days? The kids I knew that were doing it, were using like 3 condoms at once (albeit, not smart in and of itself, but still) — not to use *anything*. Oh good Lord. Also they keep using the ‘s’ word on the radio, while that isn’t wrong, I am not ready to answer for what that is, should the question come up. I digress. Not to mention that you pay, what, twice as much for one emergency contraception dose from a pharmacy as a month’s worth of pills? Argh. Get with it kids. In this age of so many freaking communicable diseases, either keep your pants ON or do the smart thing.
…and ruining your life? No. Your waistline, maybe, but not your life. There are so many options out there, assuming that the pregnancy goes to term: keeping the baby, in my mind you would be marrying, and having someone to love and to love you forever (along with thousands of diapers, tantrums, and dollars of college tuition!), adoption–no lack of moms out there waiting with empty arms, and of course, letting your parents raise the child as their own– and telling the kid when they’re old enough to know that ‘no I’m not really your sister, I’m your mom’… sort of thing– and getting on with your life. None of these things actually ‘ruin’ your life, they just change it. Maybe for the worse, probably for the better, but all change is hard–which is why this should be something ‘done’ only by those mature enough to handle the outcome, and only with someone you plan to love forever. There are plenty of ways to choose, plenty of options. Unless, I guess, pregnancy actually kills you, then, you could say it ruined your life– but then you’d be dead, so, you couldn’t say that.
PLEASE DON’T BLAST ME with opinions or whatever. If you’re going to comment, do it nicely. I am a college graduate with a degree in psychology, I minored in women’s studies, and I fully understand and support the right to choose, which I CHOSE not to go into because it’s my blog. I am quite intelligent and don’t need beaned over the head. Mmk? These are my thoughts…about a commercial.
Karmyn R
In our day and age – if you don’t want to be pregnant there are TONS of birth control options to keep you from getting in that position. Condoms are the cheapest. I get so angry when I hear about teen pregnancy. It is preventable.
I worry for the upcoming generation because AIDS has dropped from our communications. The mass add campaigns about safe sex have stopped. It’s still out there looking for victims.
I agree, too.
And I know enough people who have been pregnant as teens who ended up raising the baby and things turned out okay. Yeah, a different path than they might have otherwise taken, but so?
I made sure my kids had every single question answered WHEN THEY ASKED it… we had a constant dialog from the time they were pretty young. As a result, they know what their options are and that sex isn’t a game or to be taken lightly. They need to care about the person they are with, and take appropriate precautions.
And I’ve always wondered at hearing things like, ‘If my daughter ever got pg I’d kick her out!’
Really? I think every child should be supported emotionally and physically and in every other way. And someone can seriously toss a grandchild out? Really?
Not in a million years for me… I would do whatever I could to make sure that little one got a good start and knew he or she was loved.
Babies are to love and take care of, regardless of their beginnings or the age of their parents. And I really dislike PP for many reasons.
Cheerful Homemaker
I don’t understand why teens wouldn’t use protection! I was on the pill but always used a condom. No condom = cold shower for my boyfriend. 😛
Ok my opinion is different…
I don’t think you have to love someone forever to have sex with them. Sometimes you just want to have sex bewcause it just feels so good. Sure it is more meaningful and special when it is someone you love. But there is something totally hot and animalistic that comes with just feeding that primal urge. There is a scene in the movie “The Women” Where Diane Keatons character is talking with Meg Ryans character about sex as a teenager and the young girl says something along the lines of so youre going to tell me that sex is only good when it is with someone you love nad who respects you? and Diane Keaton says something along the lines of, No, no I am not, sex can be really good with someone you care nothing about, but it is so much better when it is with somone you love….I agree with this statement so much and I love the blunt honesty of a 40-50 year old woman sharing this with a 15 year old girl. I think we spend to much time lying to children about sex, how it feels and what it means. I think brutal honesty is the only way to go as it quenches the thirst of their curiosity.
As far as teen pregnancy being 100% preventable, hell yeah it is and I blame parents and conservatives for their being so much of it!!!!! Teach these kids about using a condom from the time they are 10 years old. Sex can kill you!
Stacy Wolfmeyer
They don’t want to BUY the condoms. They don’t want to be caught buying them. I was floored when I saw condom machines in the bathrooms in college, but you know, if someone would be willing to buy it there, but not at the store, that works for me. THey used to give them away. A lot of people think it’s wrong to give away BC, because then you are “encouraging teens to have sex.” I dont’ think so. YOu are encouraging them to have SAFE sex. And they are going to have it if they want it, regardless of what is available. So let’s make it available!!! It took me until AFTER I was married and had my first child to not feel weird buying condoms. I figured people would at least see I was being smart since I already had one so young. I was glad to have the ring on my finger, too, though. It shouldnt’ matter, but of course it feels like all eyes are on you. The self check outs have to have helped some people with their buying experience. I remember being home from college for the summer and goign with a girlfriend to a different town to buy condoms. And another time for her pregnancy test. Heaven forbid someone see who might know our mothers!