Eyes: Still the same here, they change day to day, blue, green, or hazel with a sunflower.
Head: Hair is growing in rapidly. Wait 15 minutes and the color looks different. We’re on edge waiting to see! Her head still has cute ‘rolls’ when she scrunches her shoulders.
Face: Still plenty of drool and her teeth ‘area’ is all bulbed out like it’s just waiting for them to break through. Beautiful clear skin.
Neck: I hate to say it, but maybe thinning out?
Arms/trunk: Uses them to help get herself to a seated position (with mom and dad, not alone!), throws toys down, tries to scoot forward! Belly is ticklish!
Lower body/legs: Holds weight and bounces on her legs. Rolls still on her knees and feet. Feet are ticklish
Height: will update at 9 months
Weight: will update at 9 months– but our digital scale said 16.6 lbs.
Head Circ: will update at 9 months
Sleep: Sometimes sleeps all night, sometimes wakes once to eat. Goes back to sleep easily, but then is awake most of the morning. Sometimes takes a short morning nap, usually a long afternoon nap.
Demeanor: Squeals to get attention, especially from big sister. Lots and lots of happiness and laughter.
Clothing: Switching over to 6-9 month short sleeved onesies that seem to be more friendly than the long sleeved ones (brand fit issues?), rotating in 12 and 18 month jammies (non footed), and 9 month clothes.
Diapers: Still about the same here, the smalls seem to still fit, some, but not for long.
Nursing: Finally getting a breather on the feeding some times. She explores more with her hands, beating her diaper, going after my glasses, etc.
Likes: People talking to her or looking at her. Also likes: things she can chew on or make noise with.
Dislikes: A wet or dirty butt and an empty belly, being left alone.
Cute things: Turning in circles by using her feet, rolling over as soon as she is put down. Rubbing her eyes when she is tired.
NSC things: Crying when she doesn’t want to sleep, yucky poops that have been held too long, refusing to be left alone for 15 seconds.
Such a cutie! Love those little milestones.
Such a beautiful baby…