Eyes: It seems like she may get daddy’s sunflower eyes. They are typically either blue, or they are dark blue on the outer rim, greenish on the inside, with a gold burst around the pupil.
Head: She’s lost her hair and is gaining it back, but still has a little bald spot. The hair is a variety of colors. No clue how it will end up. She tries to pull it up when pulling to a seated position.
Face: She is definitely preparing for teeth with major drooling, still some weeping of her left eye. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are dark now. Cheeks are still chubby!
Neck: Love the chub!
Arms/trunk: Her arms are really useful things! They can pick up toys, shake things around, put around your neck, just awesome! She does a lot of chewing of her hands/thumb sucking.
Lower body/legs: Holds some of her weight when you pull her to a stand.
Height: will update
Weight: will update
Head Circ: will update
Sleep: Sometimes sleeps all night, sometimes wakes once to eat. Goes back to sleep easily, but then is awake most of the morning. Sometimes takes a short morning nap, usually a long afternoon nap.
Demeanor: Grunts, squeals and in general fusses to get attention, and then smiles hugely when you look at her. Very happy baby. Very tolerant of most people but a few people she tends to just not enjoy very much and cries for them. Really likes to be held.
Clothing: Growing out of 6-9 month clothes, pants of that size seem to be okay. Tried to put shoes on her, but they wouldn’t even go on.
Diapers: She’s in a couple of the sized small diapers, but has moved up to one size or the ‘two’ on the two size diapers, using one or both inserts.
Nursing: Has been ‘growth spurt’ feeding for a whole month (every 1.5 hours unless asleep).
Likes: Milk and a dry butt, being held, swayed or rocked, being sang to, Keeley’s giggles and talking to her, and daddy’s arms. Also likes: toys that crinkle or rattle, anything with texture she can get her fingers onto (floors, playmat, crib sheet, etc).
Dislikes: A wet or dirty butt and an empty belly.
Cute things: She’s recently discovered her toes and eating them seems to be fun! She also learned to roll over a few weeks ago, and did so in both directions in the same day. Now she doesn’t seem to care to do it. She does, however, manage to turn herself in circles on a fairly regular basis.
NSC things: Squealing, crying when you put her down for a nap and she doesn’t want to go, holding her poop a couple of days (eww).
HOW can you call this an update?
Love all the little details here.
She’s growing up so fast!