It’s the first Monday of the month and this month’s topic is first love and/or first date in honor of Valentine’s Day. Even if you’re not in a relationship now, everyone’s had a first love or a first date – tell us about it!!!
Well my 2nd date with my husband was more interesting than the first, but here goes anyway: We went to a movie. It was a ‘scary’ movie. Not my favorite. If I watched it now, it probably wouldn’t be scary, but I was a scardey cat. I kept grabbing onto Matt’s leg. He took me home. That’s pretty much it. I guess we made enough of an impression on each other (that and the several months of casual chatting online from across the country) to have another movie the next day. Four months later we were engaged 🙂
That was supposed to be ‘scaredy’, but I’m too lazy to go back and change it. Also? The spelling is incorrect either way, so, meh!
Ah, the online thing!!! So where were you guys when you started online chatting? Is that how you “met”? Honestly, I can’t remember my first date with my first husband. Or a first date with the guy I dated after him. I DO remember the first one with Darling Man!
Ha. I remember my first date with hubby VERY well. You’ve inspired me. I shall make it my Valentine post.
Grabbing his leg, huh?
Tsk tsk and on a first or second date!!!
Wow – 4 months later? It took my husband 3 years to ask me to marry him. You did make a great first impression.
Our first date was almost canceled because of a snowstorm. We lived in a tiny town and had planned to drive 30 minutes to see a movie. 6″ of snow changed that. We watched Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with my parents. Obviously it wasn’t too terrible because he called me two days later and we went out again. My parents must have liked him because we went out to a movie on a school night. 😛