After we got used to cloth diapering and invested in a lot with aplix (velcro), and used them a bit, we discovered that the laundry tabs tend to wear down and then you end up with them all sticking to each other in the wash. It makes them a bit ‘tattered’ looking. So we want to replace the aplix that’s worn with snaps. We have plenty of diapers right now to go around, but if she outgrows the 12ish that are smalls and mediums right now, we’ll need to add these ‘in waiting’ diapers back into rotation. We will send them off to have them converted, and that means taking off the old aplix and picking out the snap colors for EACH diaper. We have a few of the bright pink but mostly greens, blues, and yellow/oranges.
Please click the link and help me! The top pictures is all the snap colors, and below that is a picture of approximate colors of the diapers I have (I don’t have blossom that needs converted), but I do have all the rest labeled BG. The THIRD picture is closer in color to the actual diapers–where it says BG ooga’s, so you could look at that, and then look at all..60 colors of snaps and help me pick out some that contrast well. For example B7 (yellow) on the ribbit bright green diaper would be cute. Or B5?6? on a clementine would be kind of halloweeny.
Don’t be afraid to suggest just about anything. I’m guessing we have a minimum of 4 of each color (except the pinks) listed there in the OOGAs. I probably would not put B47 (bright pink) on one of the blue diapers, though, just in case we try again and have a boy. OR we eventually want to sell them, and the people looking would be squeamish about pink snaps on a blue diaper.
This is another one of those things that my husband just…. doesn’t want to help with. I’ve never been very good at colors. I was married for a LONG time before I could pick out something that matched. I wish I weren’t kidding. I’m trying to train Keeley already to know the difference. I just never ‘got it’… so your help would be greatly appreciated!

in the right canvas bucket...those colors plus yellow on floor...
I like B19 on the blossom or zinnia. And B13 or B24 for the Moonbeam and Twilight. B56 would be nice on Zinnia too. I like black on the clementine (or on Ribbit too- Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Anyone??) B22 for Grasshopper would work. And lastly I also like B3 for Clementine, Zinnia, Moonbeam and Ribbit.
What about just doing white on all of them? If they’re bumGenius, you could just do the snap color that matches the diaper. I have one aplix diaper. I love how strong the aplix is, but I agree that it looks worn after a few washes. I’m trying to decide if I feel like converting it. I have the stuff to do it, I’m just a bit busy. 😛
If you are that concerned about trying to match but being unable to (I would think matching would be hard when you are choosing from a picture online……colors aren’t always represented accurately in a picture anyway), I would do contrasting colors. For the blue, I understand your concern about putting pink snaps on (though they would be adorable – what would be the cost to have the snaps changed if you DO have a boy?), so try yellow, red or orange (Go Bears! And Illini!). For green, I would do a bright pink or purple, but if you don’t want to go that direction, do yellow, red, or orange again. For pink, try green, yellow, or blue. For yellow, try purple (just to represent, you know!) or red. For white, try purple or pink (or whatever you want, there just doesn’t seem like you will have many of these colors if you do contrasting). I know you frequently leave the kids pantsless while wearing diapers, so is there a favorite shirt you like with a certain diaper? Pull the contrasting color you want to use on the diaper out of that shirt.
I think contrasting would be adorable, but if you really want them to match the best they can, contact the lady doing the conversion and ask if she would be willing to match them for you. Just tell her you can’t really tell without having the snaps in your possession. Or if you tell her the brand, can she recommend which color is better?
Okay – I’m going to be the “naysayer” and say – does it really matter? No one can see the diapers anyway because they are usually under the clothing. With everything else you have to worry about – why stress out about mismatched snaps?