- I have a question about night time cloth diapering- do you have any recommendations for a night time diaper that stays dry longer? – Many diapers have stay dry inners, although I suspect that’s not what you mean. Natural fabrics like cotton prefolds, organic cotton or bamboo will hold moisture next to the skin longer, and a lot of people switch back to these when potty training arises so the child ‘feels’ wet. For more absorbency (what I think you’re asking), I would suggest if you’re using prefolds or fitteds to add an extra layer of microfiber underneath (closer to the cover), or if you’re using a pocket with microfiber, to layer hemp inside your pocket underneath the microfiber, hemp absorbs more, but slowly, so putting it on the bottom will help total absorbency. Never put microfiber next to the skin, it will suck the moisture out of your baby’s skin and possibly cause a rash.
I guess my question would be related to get others excited about cloth diapering. I know you said the book addresses the issue of convincing dads or day care to cloth. That’s one of the challenges I’m facing. My husband isn’t very on-board with cloth diapering. I think he’s afraid of what people will think of us, honestly. I do want to try to get my family excited about cloth too, but don’t want to be annoying about it, you know what I mean? My second question would be, how do I control my cloth diaper addiction?!- You can’t control your addiction, only your budget! My question to you is, why is your husband so sensitive about what other people think? Who is he worried about? Are they REALLY more important than saving money, caring for your child the way YOU want to, and saving the Earth? There are literally thousands of us ‘addicts’ out there, and we all save money by using cloth diapers–if he needs convincing, tell him how I’m diapering my second child completely for free, and how after about a year, the first one was free, too. Oh and she potty trained at just over 2 years, the national (US) average is 3 years. Cha-ching! The cost savings alone will change people’s minds. As with most people who are parents, it’s just a different choice than other people, and once they get over the initial reaction, they will put it out of their minds. I’ve never had anyone have a negative reaction beyond the initial 2 or 3 questions. How do you wash them? Isn’t it gross? Does the poop stay in your machine? Some people are total freaks about breastfeeding, too, but it is completely normal. In short? If his buddies have a problem? It’s THEIR problem, not his. You know? You may never change anyone’s mind, but you just approach it as ‘this is what WE do’ and that’s that.
- My question would be about cloth diapering a NB… I have invested in some NB size diapers and am also hoping to be able to use some of my OS, if I can get them small enough. What is the best diaper for a NB. – Check back here later, but Rumparooz, Oh Katy (Katydid), Baby Kangas, Rocky Mountain, Nifty Nappy Peachy Keen, Softbums.
- So, my questions.. how do I use bleach with my diapers and how long should they soak for? – I’m going to assume pocket diapers here, I would suggest just adding bleach to your regular hot wash cycle and add a couple of extra rinses and see if that does the trick. No more than about 1/4 cup (and JUST the inserts!) for a large load.
- My question would be – what is the best less fuss (ie doesn’t require a lot of rinses, additives, etc) detergent to wash CD with?- Shh, don’t tell (or do), but I use Tide Free and Clear.
- My question is – How long can you leave your diapers before they start to get gross? I am starting to potty train my oldest so we are not using as many diapers in a day… how long can I leave in between washes? I washed every 3 days, or added them to towels when I got to that stage.
- I’ve cloth diapered my daughter PT for almost a year now and I still wonder if I’m getting the best fit on my daughter. As far as fit goes, I would suggest using aplix to get the snuggest fit, but as long as you have all the important bits covered and you’re not getting leaks, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Try looking at manufacturers suggestions for weight ranges on OS diapers, and move them up and down as needed.
- My question would be what is the best option for a heavy night-wetter. I use GroVia’s during the day and love them, but the don’t absorb enough at night. I used to use Bumgenius pockets at night, but the microfiber also can’t hold my 15-month old’s wetness. So I’ve tried various hemp inserts, but still not completely satisfied with a complete diaper that keeps pee in, but keeps baby dry. The biggest problem I have with adding hemp is that I still need at least one other microfiber insert to keep her dry, so her diaper is really bulky. It’s not a big deal because it’s at night, but I think it affects the fit of the diaper. Suggestions? You could try a prefold or fitted and a fleece or wool cover.
- My question would be, how many One size diapers really fit from birth? Most seem so big. The truth is, unless you have a 9 or 10 lb baby, not many will fit. that’s why they’re one size fits most. I had a 9 lb baby and had a few brands that fit. I plan on blogging about that soon!
- I’ve always been interested in cloth diapering but think I’d have a hard time convincing my husband because he’d worry about smell/getting them clean. How hard is it? As long as you have a good washing machine, it should not be hard. Newborn (breastmilk) poop washes out without extra work, you can get a diaper sprayer to take care of older baby’s poop, and that goes a long way to a clean diaper! Natural fibers/prefolds clean better and take a beating better than microfiber, so you could take that into consideration, as well!