Wow, I never really thought I’d be saying that. As much as I vent on this blog, I was posting the cool things about 2011, and there are a LOT! Let’s hope 2012 is the same!
- December
December saw a lot of fun with 2 kids hanging out by the Christmas lights, watching them blink, deciding on gifts from Santa, and teaching about the true meaning of Christmas.
Matt was gone for a week in November, thus the gratuitous tv watching picture. We read a lot of books, learned about Thanksgiving and had a great visit with family (even though the drive was horrible!) Visits to the library and swimming lessons continued!
October was all about Keeley. Several trick or treat missions, her birthday, and just loving her in general for her special month. 3 years old, wow! Plus, she learned to read, how awesome is that? Oh yeah, her birthday was pirate-y and her Halloween was princess-y! Doesn’t get much better than that!
September was a lot like this picture, holding the baby close and watching Keeley do her own thing from a distance. Church club started up for the year as well, every Monday, with dad volunteering his time, and balancing 2 kids took some getting used to. Which brings us to….
What a wild year! Baby girl #2 made her entrance, left me hobbling for a while, but back up to speed in a few weeks time! Gorgeous, right? Grandma came and stayed for a few weeks to help out!
Summer 2011 was hot. REALLY hot. Due to my huge pregnancy-ness, we stayed inside a lot. Sadly. However, we did manage to keep some flowers on the porch blooming! We also went to library events in J and B, local towns.
Home finishings, Keeley’s room is here in the partial stages, she moved in her new ‘upstairs orange room’ this month to make way for the new baby! The baby’s room got painted, too, and both of them decorated nicely! This was a big ‘first’ time, too, for church bible school, and being ‘away’ from home every morning! Mom was nearby!
May was about housekeeping, getting things done. Like gravel on the driveway, gardening, and getting Keeley to a new big girl bed and picking a theme for her new room. What fun!
April saw 2.5 rear its’ ugly head. Tantrums, opinions, and spitefulness. But enough about me! An interest in all things garden sprung up around this time, as well as eating salads as a main course! Spring flowers, a flood, a new tractor and playset, Easter egg hunts, and our one year anniversary in the house!
March was a lot of morning sickness, hanging out on the couch and trying to keep the nausea down by eating in bits and pieces. The long awaited picture!
Winter was all about playing in the snow. We spent some time outside just enjoying the weather and woods.
Snow, really cold weather, playing outside (for daddy and Keeley), hot chocolate, and playing inside with new Christmas toys!