I’ve been tired and cranky, and now I’ve been sick. Now Matt and Keeley are sick. It’s BAD. I lost 5 lbs. in one day. This is not a scam. Seriously though? You don’t want this. I think every ounce of water/white soda/morsels of food went straight to Brennan. I spent the day yesterday recuperating in fairly good spirits and then at midnight, Keeley and then Matt around 3. Good news is if they have the same thing, by midmorning they ought to be okay, and just need LOTS of rest.
Bad news is that I still haven’t finished shopping for Matt and I have to pick up something I ordered by tomorrow or they send it back. The lady that called to.. oh let’s say threaten me about it.. she was kind of cranky. I really did NOT know they only gave you 10 days to pick something up. I’m sorry, I don’t usually run errands with both girls that requires signing something where I can’t trap one or both of them in a cart. The day they called I was near dead (how Matt and Keeley will feel today). I think I was bemused more than angry at the lady bristling so much at me. She was reluctant to put the 23rd on there as a pick up date. Sorry, honey, I have bigger fish to fry.
I finally decorated the Christmas tree while listening for Matt and Keeley to vomit and Brennan to cry. Speaking of which, she may be up fairly soon. We will need to make a trip to the store for ‘white soda’, applesauce and something fantastic for me to eat because I don’t think I’ll make it through the day without something hearty. Matt will understand, but poor K will be distraught at the thought of not getting much to eat. She’s a pig. Did I say that out loud? Sorry. I’m wearing my ‘thoroughly exhausted, but thankful it’s not me’ — cape. Time to go wash some more puke out of something… or something… so glad we put in laminate flooring upstairs. Whew.
Stacy Wolfmeyer
So sorry you’re all feeling crummy! What are your Christmas travel plans supposed to be?
Oh, do I have to send you my address to get a Christmas card, as it said in one of your other posts? I know Christmas cards aren’t a high priority right now, and I’d take mine in July if that’s how long it took, but I’d love one! Your card last year was so cute!
Karmyn R
there is nothing worse than the stomach flu when you have young kids. Hang in there! It will get better soon.