I realize that I’ve gotten exceptionally good at ignoring my baby crying (in stores, etc) so much so that I begin to feel self conscious about it. People look at you funny if you don’t try and shush your baby all the time, ever notice? I knew what was wrong with her though, and I wasn’t worried about it. The same thing happened at Thanksgiving. Matt was downstairs with Keeley and I had Brennan with me in her carseat, I told my cousin he had to help rock her if he was going to sit by me. Apparently he didn’t believe me. I would rock her for a minute, then eat a couple of bites. She just kept crying. Finally I realized that I was getting some weird looks. She just wanted held, it was no big deal, but apparently, I’m becoming immune, lol. Don’t get me wrong, when I’m home, I take care of her very well, thank you very much, but when I’m out, I’m usually doing SOMETHING and hopefully the few times I’m out and let her cry is not as bad as ignoring her at home…poor kid.
So what did I do my first full day as a single mom (I should say temporarily single).. I washed dishes, put laundry away, vacuumed the living room, took all the stuff off the toy shelf, cleaned it, and sorted the stuff and put it back. Then we had a nice little (and I mean brief) chat about putting stuff away where it belonged. So far, so good! So much nicer without toys everywhere. Plus a few things had fallen behind there, mostly from her trying to get stuff off of the top shelf (by this I mean the big kid!) so they were all returned to their respective homes.Took care of the girls, took Keeley to her church club, left from there and went to get my book that had just come in at the library (love that!), over to Kohl’s and spent the Kohl’s cash I earned by shopping online Thursday on a couple of clothing items for the girls for next year, and then on to the discount grocery for a few things. I JUST made it back in time to pick her up (it would have gone faster if Brennan hadn’t needed a diaper change and to eat, but that’s okay, she was hungry!)— on a side note, and seriously this will probably gross people out, but I did NOT realize that my kid was poopy, and I didn’t have a wet wipe. So what did I do? I totally spit on her. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Someone PLEASE tell me you find this as funny as I did once I’d done it? I just thought, wow I need water, and oops, maybe I shouldn’t have done that? Lol. So anyway, home for dinner and some hanging out and it was time for bed.
This morning I’ve put dishes away, washed the few from last night/this morning and unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. Started towels in the wash. We go through a lot less food and fewer dishes when it’s just the 2 of us eating (baby doesn’t count!). I think I’ll try and get the newspapers and other stuff off the counter today. Wish me luck! It’s totally buried again! Tonight is swim lessons and Wednesday morning is library time, so we have some books to get through the next 24 hours or so. Tomorrow we’ll start getting Christmas books to read. Yeah!
Just popped over from BlogHer. I find the spitting absolutely hilarious, fyi. And although I’ve never done it, I so totally would. Also: you make my head spin with the amount of stuff you do. I think I was probably like that I one point. Maybe. Okay, no, I never was. 😀
Karmyn R
Isn’t it amazing how your tolerance level totally changes after the first kid? Oh – and spitting on things….I am totally there with you. LOL
I did the same thing when we were out when the kids were babies – if I knew the problem and couldn’t do anything about it right then, well everyone just had to hold on for a bit. But yes, sometimes people would look over like, “Don’t you HEAR that?”