Eyes: Dark blue. When she’s nursing, I can see the the middle is lighter, and directly around the pupil seems bright gold- will she get daddy’s sunflower eyes?
Head: Still very soft, only one tuft of hair on the very back of her head on top, with a little bald spot beneath that. The rest is a variety of colors, very pale.
Face: Final baby acne seems to have disappeared, major drooling, very little weeping of her left eye. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are darkening. Cheeks are still chubby!
Neck: Love the chub!
Arms/trunk: She found her hands and clasps them together! Thumbs are good for sucking, fists are good for gnawing.
Lower body/legs: Really can push her legs, hard!
Height: 23 inches +
Weight: 11 lbs. 15 oz. +
Head Circ: 39 cm +
Sleep: Sometimes sleeps all night, sometimes wakes once or twice to eat. Goes back to sleep easily and sometimes sleeps through a lot of the morning. Awake more in the p.m.
Demeanor: Plenty of eye contact, is SMILING hugely at all of us! Basically only ‘needy’ cries. Laughs when tickled or laughed at. Such a sweet, sweet, girl. Very happy baby.
Clothing: Wearing 3-6 month clothes and 0-6 month pants. With her seemingly endless growth spurts, will be out of them before long. some of the pjs seem tight already!
Diapers: Sized up on the rumparooz to use the larger insert, even though she still fit on the lower rise. We’re getting some leaks from various prefold/cover combos with the HUGE poos!
Nursing: Several ‘growth spurt’ feeds in the last month.
Likes: Milk and a dry butt, being held, swayed or rocked, being sang to, etc. (still the same here!) Also her daddy’s voice and everyone talking to her.
Dislikes: A wet or dirty butt and an empty belly. Being startled.
Cute things: Giggles!
NSC things: Pooping all over each diaper cover, she’s eating a lot more, so she’s just started dirtying clothes. Hello stain stick.
We’re just starting to get baby acne. It makes me sad. He gets major eye boogers each time he cries because his tear ducts are still so narrow. 🙁
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