The other night I cleaned off the counter (by this I mean I moved the stacks of mail not yet gone through and wiped it down with soap and water and dried it). See all the stacks on the table behind her in the pictures? oh and the 2 weeks ago Halloween costumes? Yup, awesome, right? Then I got the step stool out, chopped up all the ingredients, and let Keeley make her own little pizza. She had a great time decorating it, and I envision a lot more of this in the future, she loves to ‘help’. Feel free to watch the video link below, as well.
I’m guessing Sayre will play, anyone else, link in the comments! Thanks!
I will play, probably after lunch… I’ve got stuff I need to get done at work first! Plus I have to figure out what I’m going to write about…
Back when my boy wouldn’t eat anything, we let him make his own food which gave him the measure of control in his life that he needed. If a kid ever has problems eating, let them do their own cooking! THAT they will eat!
Decorating a pizza is a pretty big-girl thing to do. I’ll bet she was proud of herself when she finished and ate the whole thing!
Wait… you don’t have a sparkly clean house? Why? It’s not like children take up 99.9% of your time or anything….
Little kids love to help. I can’t wait until G is old enough to help make cookies and such 🙂