Brennan has her 2 month immunizations today. Her doctor’s appointment, too. All we know is that she’s a moose! I’m actually keeping her baby book updated every once in a while! Yeah! Look for a 2 month update on her after we get all her stats!
Keeley goes to library story time every Wednesday morning in our town. The monthly story times will start up again in the neighboring town, but she’ll be in the preschool one this time! They have it in the morning and also the evening, so we can pick and choose what works for us. This one is more interactive and they typically did crafts/songs with the toddlers, so I assume it will be much the same. The same lady does it, and we really like her way of doing things. Then next week, her twice a week swimming LESSONS start. It will go until December, and then we’re taking a break for a little bit, start up more in the spring if she does well with actual lessons and not swim babies. Dad won’t be in the water with her, so it will be interesting to see if she takes well to it. She also has her church club Mondays. So Monday after ‘school’ time, Tuesday and Thursday night swim lessons, and Wednesday morning library time. Whew!
I’m wanting some ideas for photo shoots for the girls. I saw someone put a baby in a roaster a few Thanksgivings ago, real cute, and we have matching pumpkin hats for the girls (a surprise shower gift)… so GO! Give me some ideas — Brennan still needs propped up, but wanting to get some shots of them together for photo cards or inserts for Christmas! Last year it was a 4 season card, so further ideas for Christmas, etc. would be appreciated!
Karmyn R
Ack – I hate immunizations. And I need to call and schedule flu shots. EEK!
Here’s one website… just one baby in the first batch, but hey, you could add one, just like you did in real life… Love the shot of the mom and tiny one curled around each other upside down…
Do you have a sled to use for the photos? We had a baby one that was more of a seat…