I’d like the following people to be present during labor and/or birth: My husband.
My partner to be allowed to stay with me at all times
To walk and move around as I choose (this was limited, but possible)
Bath/shower (I did this at home)
Breathing techniques/distraction
If I decide I want medicinal pain relief, I’d prefer to have my choices explained to me at the time
VBAC: To give birth without an episiotomy
If I have a c-section, I’d like:My partner present at all times during the operation
After birth, I’d like: My partner to cut the umbilical cord
CORD BLOOD BANKING I’m planning to: donate cord blood to a public bank?????–I’m still not sure this happened, I know it was collected.
… and this was from an entire page of single space typed ‘desires’. Needless to say, I didn’t get to have the perfect VBAC I wanted. I got something pretty special out of it, though.
Regardless of the birth story/plan, id say u got something amazing out of it!! She is perfect!
It is amazing how unpredictable birth is. It is always worth it in the end, though!
More baby pictures, please. And maybe a picture of the big sister holding her little sister… you know, take pictures in your spare time!!
She is a lovely outcome.
Good attitude about it. It may not have been the plan, but B was well worth the change in plans!!
P.S. I agree about the pics. I know you’re busy, but PLEASE?????