FuzziBunz giveaway re-draw





I had to redraw the first fuzzi bunz giveaway because I never heard back from Patty! Jessica, you’re our new winner! I sent you a message via your blog, I hope to hear back from you soon! Please email me your mailing address so I can get your diaper out to you!



Jessica Hoerner of http://homewerebuilding.blogspot.com/   says:

That was a really great and informitive review! I enjoyed it’s honesty. I think it is awesome that made such a mistake and were willing to let you keep all that! And it neat that they have such a good repair service. It sounds pretty great, I would love to try one myself on my 6 mo old daughter. The grape, or candy, or mint were pretty colors, but anything girly is good too. Thank for sharing the love! I will post this on my facebook, too.

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