If you’re finding this, you probably know how it works, comment and make sure I have way to contact you! ONE ENTRY ONLY, US RESIDENTS ONLY!
I’m looking for good baby karma, due 8/24/2011– we’re doing giveaways until baby comes! It’s all on me, so I’m relying on the USPS to get the packages to the winner, and we’re all crossing our fingers that it shows up. The first winner already got hers!
MANDATORY ENTRY: Tell me something you like about my blog, or something you’d be interested in seeing/hearing about on my blog in the future. Obviously, this means you should poke around a bit and check me/us out! Don’t forget your email, sign in with your google account, or some other way to contact you!
Some other awesome things you could do:
Follow me on twitter @teamshoemaker
I still need 8 ‘likers’ to solidify my facebook page, this is NOT mandatory, but would be appreciated!
Go and give FuzziBunz some love.. again they are NOT a part of this giveaway, but it is their product I am giving away, so why not check them out?
http://fuzzibunz.com/ and http://www.facebook.com/FuzziBunz?ref=ts
Good luck and I’ll draw a random winner next Friday!
I love how real and honest you. I truly loved seeing your belly pictures and hearing about your hopes and fears for the birth. I wish you all the luck in making it to 40 weeks and that you wont suffer going over lol Keep it up! I, for one, will keep reading.
Well, I like you just fine… but I don’t do facebook and I’m just not the twit type.
August 24th, huh?
Not too long to wait.
I love the stories about the kid(s), the honesty, and the “homestead” – I originally found you thorough a craft project you posted on your old blog, so you know I will always eat up content like that as well.
I’m looking forward to hearing the birth story! 🙂
You know what I like about your blog? You just seem like a REALLY nice lady and I love your sense of humor! 🙂 You are just too nice to be hosting all these giveaways without sponsors. I can tell you are generous! Love that you share funny stories about being a mom to a toddler. I have a son almost the same age I think (he’ll be 3 in December) and so I can relate! Thanks! I Liked your Facebook page! Excited to see if baby #2 is a boy or a girl and hear how the birth goes! Good luck!
I like that you talk about real life things and are very open.
I just found your blog, but I like how you seem to keep it real and post about life.
Well I know you mostly on twitter, but I like your excitement! Good luck!
I love hearing your VBAC news. I’ll be trying for a VBA2C with my next baby and I can’t wait to hear how things go for you!
heather.schweich (at) gmail (dot) com
I also follow you on twitter and GFC!
After finding you through twitter, I’ve poked around a bit and like what I’ve seen so far! You seem to be honest about everything. As a ne mom, I can’t wait to hear about your birth story and how it might be likevto bring a newborn home to more than just our puppy 🙂 thanks for the giveaway, you’ve got yourself a new follower. Good luck with the birth, I can’t wait to read more!
angelajiniel at gmail dot com
i love ttc and pregnancy blogs! keep it up!
I love pregnancy blogs! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear the birth story! 🙂
I like the stories about the kids!
I like reading about pregnancy/mothering! 🙂 Stories about kids is great! 🙂
Good luck on the upcoming birth!
love all the pictures and would love to hear about your upcoming birth story!
quietct at gmail dot com
follow on twitter @mehort
like you on facebook (mp phaiah)
like fuzzibunz on fb (mp phaiah)
I would love more and more giveaways!!
Like Fuzzibunz on FB Heather Mahan
I like your blog because it is straight forward and easy to read. You are honest and very generous. I love all the pics too! Good luck with your birth… can’t wait to hear about it!