I would never have thought to get myself a bird bath, but my mom did, for my birthday last month, and I tell you, it has been a pleasure, especially in the horrible ‘heat advisory’ bubble that we’ve been under the last few weeks, to see the birds getting a drink and cooling off. Thanks mom. Totally unexpected, but a great gift! We put it right in the middle of the center window of the living room, so it’s visible from the couch, which is where we are spending a lot of time right now.
I’m going to attempt a video here. It’s not worth turning on the sound, all you get is tv and a 2 year old whining, but it is an ‘action’ shot of the bird bath.
What a lovely gift! We have a bird bath but don’t dare use it. Too many cats – it would be like putting out a buffett.
wish I had a closer view of the blue