This is about the sum total of it! Last night we hung the pictures, framed stuff, and so on in Keeley’s room. I still have a canvas (board, not stretched over frame) that I have painted that could go in there, but I have no idea how to cover it or frame it or whatever. I’m glad that that’s all done. Matt says there’s a few cosmetic things that could be done around the outlets, but for now, it’s fully functional. They picked up her dresser after swimming on Saturday, and Matt got it upstairs and in place. Right now all of her current season clothes are in it, as well as her spare set of sheets, and all of next season’s clothes. There’s still room. It’s a BIG dresser that really should grow with her. We opted not to get the mirror, we can get an over the door one if we really want, but I didn’t see any reason to spend a couple hundred extra dollars on it. I’m on the hunt for a night stand type of thing for her. I’m hoping to find something that will hold a little basket of books and maybe a lamp, but that’s not imperative right now.
Picture frame needs photo, but not bad!
I think I’ve done a reasonable job of toning down the orange in the room. You’d have to come see it to say for sure, but I think it will be fine.
Little trash can just for some color
Baptism cross stitch made by a lady from our 'old' home church
One of the coolest things I’ve done is pick up a scrapbook frame. Basically, it’s a bare wood frame, and I added Keeley’s ‘birth’ stuff to it.
Love my baby, no matter how she had to come..
See? The animals just set off the woodland theme fine I think. Baby has one prepped, too! The paper for it is a swirly gender neutral, I guess I should photograph it, too, once I find it. Last I saw it was sitting on our bed with stuff holding down the animals drying them… wonder where Matt put it? Oh well, I’ll find it! Either way, I think it’s so cute. On Keeley’s there is the little knitted hat someone made that they give out in the hospitals, the hospital bracelets (we say, when we cut the ‘tags’ off of her, we had to keep her, and couldn’t take her back), her footprints, a picture in the operating room, and little things that show her weight and so on. I may get Matt to make a plexi front for it, but for now, it’s hung up, which is what counts!
Baskets from Michael's line the closet shelf, love them!
... and of course, the teamwork poster!
I think my kid likes her room so much, she put herself down for a nap today! It’s definitely not very cluttered right now, which is awesome! I love that she has ‘stuff” up on her walls, and they all have meaning or special thoughts behind them. Hopefully it’s something she can really grow into and enjoy!
LOVE it! So many great details. This is a girl who knows she is loved.
Looks great Jill!
What a bright and cheerful room! Rather matches the occupant, doesn’t it?
I love the theme of the room! That dresser is pretty too. The big kid room is wonderfully decorated, you did a fantastic job! Makes me want to redecorate my room too LOL
Keeley’s room looks fantastic! I love the bedspread, love the way you’ve pulled it all together. Wish I had a window seat!!