Molly is hosting Fun Monday for the month. She asks: For our last Fun Monday in February on the last day of the month, I would like to hear about an early childhood memory. If you would like to participate in this event, please sign-up using the Mr. Linky widget. Georgia Girls of In Good Company have graciously volunteered to be our hostesses for the month March.
I have a ton of fun childhood memories:
-my horse losing the saddle and going upside down until I finally fell off (jammed finger)
-being dragged by a pony while I literally ‘ate dirt’
-puppy gnawing my fingers while a bunch of other little kids petted him on a visit to school
(he was supposed to be a Leader Dog for the Blind and it was socialization for him)
-walking around and around on a used tractor tire until I got dizzy and falling and whacking my nose (only bloody nose to date)
-breaking my arm by tripping on a gopher hole in gym class (so much for an obstacle course)
Hmm, a lot of these seem to do with pain, don’t they? Lol.
How about my first ‘real’ memory? Unless I am mistaken, we had just moved to our new house and I was 3. I don’t remember anything before this. I remember that all of us piled on a mattress on the floor in what soon became my parents living room to go to sleep. I kept seeing this flashing red light and asked what it was. I was told it was a tower. I also remember eating a sandwich with mustard on it on the front porch.
Ouch!!! I had a lot of that kind of thing happen too – I think it’s just what happens when children aren’t overly protected. Bumps, bruises and the occasional broken bone happen when you have adventures!!! I had horse fall on me – I was actually pretty lucky no serious damage was done. Took me a while to get on another one – which ran away with me. I got off it by grabbing a branch as the horse ran under it. I should probably stay away from horses, huh??
You were adventurous little girl, Jill! I too remember getting to sleep on the floor when my family made one of its many moves. I hope you let Miss K have just as many adventures as you enjoyed as a child–those make the best memories.