Keeley is 28 months old. In 2 months she’ll be 2 1/2! In 8, she’ll be 3! And a big sister! How did that happen! (well, not the big sister part, I KNOW how that happened! Lol!)…but enough about that.
How do I love thee? There are WAY too many ways to try and count! I never imagined really that a 2 year old would be lovable. But she is! I never figured that I’d be proud of her, at least until she was in school and ‘doing something’. I am, though. I’m proud when she uses the bathroom. I’m proud when she says please and thank you. I’m proud when she is complimented outside of our house (which happens QUITE often, when I sit and think about it). I’m proud when she masters a puzzle, or tells the tv EXACTLY what letter buh buh buh ‘sounds like’. I’m proud when she tries to read, pulls her socks off by herself, and says ‘no, I wear un-wearpants!’ when asked if she wears a diaper. (exception of her ‘nigh nigh diaper’, of course).
What else? Her phraseology has gotten a lot better in the last few months. Some recent gems:
– oh thank you, thank you much!
-Keeley have candy, see? (proper inflection of see? to indicate that she WANTS candy!)
-Keeley go outside? oh okay. (She’s clearly asking and answering her own questions.)
-more see-wee-ahl pease mommy. (aka cereal)
-more sing please mommy. (radio)
-nice (noun) mommy/daddy. (one day it was nice: hair glasses face shirt pants socks shoes mommy).
-bess you (when you sneeze)
Her favorite things to do:
-play outside
-do things with daddy (Bronco ride, etc)
-play “puz”
-play blocks
-play kitchen
-listen to music/dance
-blow bubbles
-take bath
-watch tv
Her favorite shows:
-Word World
-Super Why
-Sesame Street
-Blues Clues (she calls it tues tues, even though she CAN pronounce blue and clue)
Her favorite books:
-The Tawny Scrawny Lion
-Berenstein Bears (get the gimmies and get in a fight)
-The dump truck book
-any book with babies
-any book with animals
-Doree (Dora) book–all about colors
Her favorite places to be:
-nest (aka when you lounge on the couch, sitting in the crook of your legs)
-little rocking chair
-booster seat (she loves to eat!)
-church ‘nursery’ (she said, oh there’s my church when we went past it the other day)
Q &A with Keeley:
Favorite color: today it is BROWN (that’s a first-usually it’s yellow or purple)
Favorite letter: A
Favorite drink: milk
Favorite food: peanuts
Favorite person: Grandma
I bet you keep up with the baby book too **sigh** I’m impressed that you keep up with Keeley’s progress so much – makes me feel like a slacker Mommy – I didn’t keep track of any of that stuff. Didn’t even fill out the tooth chart. Sometimes I wish I had but things were pretty busy back then. He turned out okay though – and he talks a blue streak now!
A new baby?
Okay. I will send you tie dyed new and old baby stuff… when the new one is here, you just have to tell me sizes.
And you’re a good mom… she’s doing so well and is so darn cute.
Not that you BOTHERED posting a picture this time….