Recently I got to try out some Flings Bins for a party we held. We had plenty of guests over the holidays and we used a holiday themed dot pattern for a festive look! It was great for when everyone was getting there and putting meat and cheese trays together and tossing the wrappings, or their to-go cups for coffee on the road. It’s so easy to move around because it’s lightweight. Because it is so cheerful you can put it right out in the open and it doesn’t detract like a regular trash can does, plus, there’s no lid to get in the way.
Flings bins put to good use
After the party, we cleared it out and just left it up for recycling, which you can see here if you peer at the date, it was still up well into January! After we took down all of our decorations, we stored this one away and tried out the recycle one that Flings sent us! I cant’ tell you how much I love these things. Before, soda cans would just pile up on the counter until they started getting knocked over and then I’d take them out to the garage into our huge recycle can out there. We take our aluminum in for money, so we keep them separate from the rest of the recycling! Now, I just put the cans into the Flings bin and wait until it fills up.
Recycling bin in action
It’s a good size bin, so it takes a while and keeps my counters can-free. Then I just take the whole thing out to the garage, dump it into the larger bin, and take it back in. These would be great if you have curb side recycling, or your center is nearby. It would also be great for business outings or tailgates, when you know there’s going to be a lot of waste, just put your Flings bin up near your set-up and save the Earth a little bit at a time! More than once we’ve gathered up the cans and bottles from a ball game or other event and thought ‘why don’t they do recycling here?’
Cash in the recycling, not the trash!
Don’t put your cans in the trash, put them in a Flings bin and then take them to recycle! Current rate around here is about 60 cents a pound, or around $3.00 for a large bag.
If anyone has any questions, I’d be glad to answer them. I love the recycle one because it can be up year round, but we can get out the seasonal ones, too and have fun with them! There are festive designs for holidays, birthdays, and just about any occasion. I can even see this as a temporary storage for cloth diapers, clothes, or other belongings for a hospital visit or a trip to see relatives. We were forever trying to sort things out during our hospital stay with Keeley and this would be an easy way to send ‘daddy’ home with laundry when he takes the time to shower! A reusable liner would make it even better, because it could be washed with the laundry and re-used. Since they collapse, there’s no bulkiness for the ride home, either, just break it down and stow it behind or under a seat in the car. Even my 2 year old has figured out this this one is for cans and the regular trash can is for wrappers, and a time or two I’ve caught her lifting an empty can and taking it into where it belongs, then smiling proudly at herself and clapping. So glad she’s caught on to saving her planet so quickly!