Ari, from A Prawn of Fate is the hostess for Fun Monday for January.
Topic for 1/10/11: From the mundane to the emotional, from paneling the basement walls to patching it up with the brother in Virginia you haven’t spoken to since you voted for Carter and he didn’t, unfinished business is something left undone or incomplete. It even can haunt you. What’s your unfinished business?
Well, we have 2 things undone right now. One is the house. Here is just an example:
Window seat
There is plenty of painting and such to do, but getting the upstairs done, of course takes precedence. My hubby is faithfully working on sealing and so forth to try and kill the draft that just WILL NOT GO AWAY!!!
A very different kind of 'business'
This is my unfinished project. She’s started telling my husband she has to go, but not me. And if she’s just woken up, or just in a crabby mood, we get this kind of reaction to the toilet. She DOES go, though, most of the time! I just have to make sure to ask her repeatedly and put her on there every hour or so. Much better than dozens of diapers, though!
I despise potty training – I think it is my least favorite part of parenting thus far. Ugh. We are gradually working on it with Ezra.
As for the house, you have accomplished so much! Our outdated house hasn’t had half of the work done on it that you have dedicated to yours.
New houses, old houses…I don’t think it matters – there’s always SOMETHING that needs doing!
I know you’ll be glad when you’re done with the potty-training. You probably won’t realize it when it happens, and then one day you’ll realize that you haven’t thought about Keeley and the potty and diapers in a while. THAT’S when she’s trained!
The potty training will be finished sooner that you know it. By the way, your daughter gets more adorable every day. Construction jobs are sometimes difficult to finish when there are so many other things to do.
What a great photo of the angst of learning to potty like a big girl! Were you also crying at this point too, Jill? 🙂
I’m sure that all the endless finishing construction just drags on and on–especially when the person doing it also works full time. There’s that push to get into a new house and then the endless projects just keep nagging you. Good Luck!
Home Sucked Into Space
Woman claims “It started with a little draft that wouldn’t go away.”
Sign up for Jan 17th Fun Monday here
THere is always unfinished business when it comes to owning your own home. Keely will let you know when she is good and ready for the big girl potty. Hopefully she will decide she wants to use it sooner than later!
Aww she is so little! Don’t stress before you know it, potty training will be the least of your worries! Enjoy the baby years! They are the best!