My poor kid is going to be naked next fall.
Yes, I know the top 3 shirts from Target are clearly boys shirts. What can I say? That’s all target had except some really ugly sweatshirts-and the black turtleneck in the middle. I got the bottom 2 girly ones from JC Penney along with the 2 pair of pants. I paid under $3 apiece for each one, and used gift certificates. I got Keeley a pair of snow boots that will hopefully fit this year AND next year (please God), and found zip from Kohl’s. Usually I find way too much from Kohl’s, but this time there were fleece (too warm for everyday wear), shirts that said ‘my grandma makes the best cookies’, turtlenecks that the neck were just way too tight on, and clearly Christmas shirts, on sale. There were 2 shirts for girls total that were NOT on sale. The boys racks were full of long sleeved shirts, but not the girls. Jerks. Anyway…I didn’t want to pay $6 per shirt, so I skipped Kohls. Which sucks because I DO have a gift card for them. I was just CERTAIN that I’d find something there. I always do. Oh well.