Today is Bloggers Unite day for the March of Dimes, spreading awareness about prematurity in infants. Since it’s also Wordless Wednesday, I’ll be brief and just share a picture of my one-time preemie, and how she’s doing now. Let’s all visit the site today and read other people’s stories. More than half a million babies are born premature in the US. It’s one of the highest rates for an industrialized nation, and earns a ‘D’ report card for healthfulness worldwide. Consider going to the March of Dimes site and making a donation. I make a $5 donation for every week my daughter was premature on an annual basis. It’s not much, but it provides education and support for parents, which helps the babies!
This is my daughter in the hospital under her ‘grow lights’ or bili lights, to help her fight off severe jaundice.

Spa day, aka, fighting prematurity with bili light power!
This is my 2 year old now, fighting prematurity (with a Harry Potter twist, since the movie comes out this week!)
She’s gained most physical things slower than other kids (rolling over, crawling,walking) but is meeting the rest of her targets spot on and is ahead in some areas! Yeah!
Thank you so much for blogging for the Fight for Preemies. I love that she is fighting with her wand. Such a clever girl. Expelliarmus!
Thanks for sharing your story. Every story counts. My 24-week twins share a birthday with Prematurity Awareness Day — November 17. I’m sharing the journal I kept during our five months on the NICU at Mike&Ollie: 24-weekers Who Beat the Odds. Thanks for participating in Bloggers Unite: Fight for Preemies.