8 weeks of cookies

Holiday baking sneak up on you? NOT THIS YEAR! Join me for 8 weeks of cookies. By Christmas, you’ll have 8 different cookies or items, so you can nibble on a few, or give your kids a few ‘specials’ in their lunch, and put the rest in the freezer. Need an ‘uh oh’ item for work or a last minute potluck or hostess gift, Christmas or Hanukkah gift, or unexpected visitor who drops by with a trinket for you? Forget pre-wrapping scented candles you’re not sure anyone will like, and give the gift NO ONE wants to turn down at this time of year. FOOD! Feel free to follow along with me, or do your own thing!

This week, I’m making chocolate crinkles. I’m using the recipes from the Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book, that my mom got me when I got married.  I think I’ve only made chocolate crinkles one other time, but the only specialty item you need are squares of unsweetened baking chocolate, which you can find in the baking aisle or with all the ‘goodies’ that are put in center aisles of stores at this time of year. The good thing about these cookies is that you can prep them ahead of time, and then bake them while your child sleeps, watches tv, or in general is out of the way. Why? Because you have to chill them for an hour or two. I ended up making my dough yesterday afternoon and am baking them this morning.

I’ve simplified the text of the recipe to cut out extra words. You can get the gist, though.

Chocolate Crinkles prep 25 minutes Chill 1 to 2 hours Bake 8 minutes per batch Oven 375 degrees

3 eggs
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted (I did this in a measuring cup in the microwave- 1 square = 1 ounce)
1/2 cup cooking oil
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups all purpose flour
sifted powdered sugar ( I didn’t bother sifting mine since all you do is roll the dough in it)

In a mixing bowl beat all the ingredients except flour and powdered sugar together until combined. Then beat in as much of the flour as you can. Finish the dough by stirring in remaining flour. Cover and chill (1-2 hours).  Use a teaspoon and gather a 1 inch ball of dough. Roll it in your hands to form a smooth ball, then drop into a low plate or bowl of powdered sugar and roll to coat. Bake 8-10 minutes on an ungreased cookie sheet until edges are set and tops are crackled. Cool on a wire rack. Makes around 48 cookies.

Dough--a small scoop will work for most regular doughs--but broke on this chilled dough- use a teaspoon instead

Balls of dough rolled in powdered sugar

Crinkly cookies!

My batch made 50 cookies I think. For some reason, mine didn’t spread out very much. It may have been the new pan I bought, or the fact that I chilled them overnight and not 1 to 2 hours, I’m not sure. Anyway, they still taste good, which is what counts. Week 1 of cookies, done!


  1. Yum! What a fun idea! This month’s Cook’s Illustrated has the most delicious sugar cookies you’ve ever tasted. Let me know if you want the recipe.

  2. Stacy Wolfmeyer

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate crinkle cookies!! So many people skimp on the powdered sugar, and then their cookies aren’t as pretty. Not you!! I also love recipes where you have to chill the dough. As long as I know ahead of time that it has to chill, anyway. So much cleaner (since there is time to clean up in between) and then easy to bake when you have time. Way easier with kids. I slightly flatten to top of mine with my hand when I put them on the sheet so they aren’t quite as round. I’m looking forward to seeing what you post for cookie recipes to see if there are any I haven’t and would like to try. Have you ever made Butterfinger cookies? I’ve got a recipe that is delicious AND uses up those candy bars you get at Halloween.

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