So? How did you share the love over the past week? I had a lot of grand ideas, and not much success with my random acts of kindness.
I made a pan of cookies and sent them with my husband on Friday to work, for no reason. He said they were gone by noon and plenty of people said they were really good, so that’s something.
I made a second pan so he could have some, since he only got 1 before the container was empty. I also didn’t take the rather large cookie away from the baby when daddy handed it over. I think that was a rather big kindness, personally, she ate every crumb and pointed for more!
I’ll be sending cupcakes or a cake with my husband for his birthday on the 29th. Oh wait, he doesn’t have a birthday this year. Well then, I will be sending him cupcakes this month for a birthday he won’t have until 2012.
I did send 2 greeting cards winging their way to 2 of my closest friends. The ones I confide baby stuff, husband stuff, and personal stuff to. I have other friends, but they don’t get the personal stuff as much. Hopefully the cards will brighten their days when they get there!
I let my husband play his video game for a couple of hours last night unimpeded. I didn’t even grumble much when he cussed the game out.
My mom and dad came down to supposedly help pack stuff for us today. I decided it would be nicer to just have a visit, so I told them not to worry about it. They did ‘watch’ Keeley for us while Matt loaded the truck with a bunch of ‘unnecessary’ items that are going out to our barn. I was shoving suitcases full of summer clothes, giant teddy bears whisked out of Keeley’s room, books, etc. toward the door while he was loading the truck. So that was kind of a random act of kindness. Of course watching her consists of attempting to read to her while she runs around, pulling on her clothes and saying please for random items she knows she can’t have. I think them coming to visit us was definitely an act of kindness, even if it wasn’t as random as it could have been. They offered to take us out to dinner and we refused, we had food, and since we’re all doing a ‘new house’ type of thing (they are undertaking a huge remodel of 100 year old house), it’s nicer to not have to pay for take out, I think. Either way, it was a great visit and they got some nice one on one time with Keeley. Click on Mr. Linky to sign up. ** Wendy is hostess next week! Thanks Wendy!
I am the first ! This RAK thing is difficult for me to understand I really don’t know where normality ends and kindness starts, lol !
Those are all very nice acts of kindness…the hard part is doing the same things everyday. Sometimes we can be very self centeterd in what we do on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing n hosting Jill
I would like to formally apologize for using the abbreviation RAK in my post. Apparently ALL of my foreign counterparts had issues figuring out that it stood for random acts of kindness. So if you had trouble, I apologize. It was my abbreviation, not an American thing, I would think by reading my posts everyone would figure out I’m not a person who only does something so that their country could understand it, I try and be open and understanding about all the differences we all have that make us unique and special, no matter what country we call home.
All those little kindnesses add up! The wife of one of the men I work with sends platters of cookies or cakes or whatever she’s dreaming up in the kitchen. There’s always one for Christmas and usually Halloween, but they turn up at random times throughout the year too. It is ALWAYS much appreciated! I’m sure your husband’s office is also quite appreciative!
This was an interesting set of challenges. It’s hard to write about things you do because it can come across as self-aggrandizement. But at the same time, I hope that what I’ve been doing inspires other people to look around and see if they see a similar need amongst their own acquaintences. I don’t even know Ari. I think I found her through Fun Monday. But something about her and her plight just speaks to me.
Church Lady
These acts of kindness come naturally to you when it comes to your man! lol. Sounds like he is well taken care of. I’m sure your friends appreciated your kind notes. I like to remember people with a hand written note too.
Glad your parents were able to have a quality visit with you and Keely. Those other little things can wait.
Stacy Wolfmeyer
YES, it DID brighten my day!! I got it the day after I called you, and it made me smile and then think of how blessed I was to get two non-computer communications with you in one week. That kind of stuff just doesn’t happen. So it was even better when it did!!
If you don’t have somebody for Fun Monday on the 1st March, I can do it ! Please let me know !
These are great RAK’s, and the important thing is to not compare ourselves to others, each random act of kindness no matter how big or small counts to someone and that’s the whole point isn’t it!
Random acts of kindness make good reading and bring a warm glow to the heart. Congrats everyone