We went through every more than one bedroom in the paper. We found one duplex that would give us a month to month. We found one triple wide trailer (I didnt even know they made those) that might consider it. Another that would consider it was in a townhouse, but they wanted $600 a month, and I would move into the place we lived 10 years ago for $420, because it looked a lot better, if that gives you any ideas as to the state of the place. The only one bedroom my husband looked at, he said it smelled like urine before he even got to the steps, and the smell never went away. Kind of makes me wonder what kind of people live in that complex.
That’s it. Even spelling out our plight didn’t change most people’s minds, which we understood and figured. Then we get a call when we’re in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner. The landlady’s house deal fell through. They won’t be closing March 1st after all. She, however, still wants to live here, so she will even trade us places, a 3 BR house with a yard (elderly neighbors) and we can live there until we are ready to go, no additional rent required, no additional signing of leases. She even apologized profusely for the neighbors we have had. As predicted, she said she would NOT live downstairs where the people are still moving out and cleaning, and she said if the people upstairs try leaving the door open on her, she’s padlocking it. Nice.
So, anyway, tomorrow when Matt gets home from work, we are going to look at a house to rent. We’ll see if we like it even remotely. It doesn’t have a dishwasher, but I’m more than willing to go without to get away from the harpies extremely confused people who live upstairs.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, keep your fingers crossed!
Well, at least the landlady went from being a complete toolbag to a semi-toolbag. Although….really? If her deal fell through for now, wouldn’t it make more sense for her (and you guys) to stay put? Crazy woman.
Good luck!