Keeley uses a bowl for the first time

Cheerios kind of in bowl

Cheerios kind of in bowl

Empty bowl

Empty bowl

Now don’t go thinking it’s all hunky dory, about HALF the cheerios are there on the blanket in between her and the bowl. She took them out one handful at a time. She helped put them back in the bowl, and then dumped them out again. She ate all but one, which I found and promptly put to her lips. Little piggy snarfed it right up! I can’t figure out where all the food is going. She must have a hollow leg. Should have been a pirate for Halloween!


  1. Too cute. My girls don’t get the whole bowl concept – they prefer to use them as hats.

    Both of them have 8 teeth now (4 on top, 4 on bottom) and I do believe Audrey is working on molars.

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