Gro baby bio soaker giveaway

Hey, this is pure greediness on my part, but they’re doing a blog giveaway for bio soakers for gro baby. Yup, for free. I would definitely like to try these out and this is a great way for me to do it without dropping more cash. I think these would be great for traveling or to keep in the car when we end up somewhere longer than we thought (which is often!).  We have had a few disposables tucked away for months in both vehicles, but I think we’d like to switch over to keeping gro babys in there instead, and I think this is an awesome “compromise” that we can deal with for when ‘the unthinkable’ happens! As the inserts are biodegradable and that is one of the reasons we hate that we even had disposables for when we moved in the first place, these would also be helpful for when we move in a couple of months (4, maybe, I  hope!) instead of using ‘sposies’ all that time. I really like this blue birds shell, although all the colors and new patterns are great, I already have the mandarin and kiwi colors, so I hope it’s a different color to keep them straight! Ha! The blackberry color would have come in handy yesterday, purple for the WIU Homecoming parade! If you haven’t heard of gro baby’s, where have you been? They are like pre-folds on steroids, which is kind of cool. The inserts snap in, so they stay in place, and they’re not a pre-stuff thing like pockets, which is most of my stash. They are great for laundry days as well, with 6 that pretty much takes us the whole day (most days!) so even if all our other diapers were dirty we’d have these to fall back on! They’re also one size and the fabric is cozier than most. They drip dry pretty quickly, and as I said, we will probably begin using them as our vehicle back up for trips, of which we will be taking many soon for holidays and etc!


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