I’m just kidding, I don’t go to the prison, nor have I ever been through a metal detector, believe it or not. I did, however, get my staples out on Wednesday. It pinched a little bit, but that was it and now I’m metal-less. Matt got me re-bandaged with the giant corset that I was given to hold my guts in last night (since he leaves before 5 am I just shower at night so he can do the bandage) a little tighter and it seemed to help a lot. I did laundry, made dinner and picked up stuff off of the floor without using my toes. It was still tough to get down, but I managed it and the place was semi-clean when he got home.
He’s gotten home late as of late because he’s been working overtime, that and trying to catch up for being late with my doctor’s appointments (don’t even get me started). It means some pretty long days for me and some really short nights for him to have time with Keeley, which is kind of sad, but by then she’s not in the mood to do much other than fuss or slap the glasses off of his face after the first half hour or so. She wants to eat, bath, nurse and bed, or eat, nurse, play and bed depending on if she had a bath the night before. She has, though, progressed to falling down on her butt from a standing position instead of falling all the way down and thumping her head. This happened, oh today I think, which is good. Her butt is very padded, see. Also that is the next step for walking. As such, I scheduled her 12 month check up and immunizations. I will probably skip the H1N1 (oink oink) shot for her. It hasn’t been tested very much and even though she’s young, she’s not in day care and very rarely makes contact with other kids or people who may not cover their mouth/wash hands, etc. The worst thing would be the grocery cart, which I can wipe off before putting her in. After her birthday, though, we can put her in her new car seat, which will be nice. She’s definitely almost there in height AND weight of outgrowing the old seat, but the new seat mandates her to be 1 year exactly before putting her in it for safety’s sake, even though she meets every other requirement (it can’t be rear-facing, which we didn’t realize when we bought it). It did have VERY high reviews from the Consumer Reports people, though, so we’re happy about that. Lots of changes going on around here.
Turing the baby around in the car was a BIG deal. They like it so much better because they can see you. But if I were you, and still had my baby in a carrier, I would VERY much miss that carrier! We had to take Jacob out at 5 months, due to size (had to buy a rear or front facing big car sear), and it just so happened that it was as the cold weather set in. I REALLY want our next baby to be in the carrier through the winter. Then I left Lauren in as long as humanly possible (for convenience sake), but when she started cutting off the circulation in my arm, I took her out. She made it to 8 months. I wonder what having a small baby – or even an “average” sized baby would be like, dont’ you?
Turning, of course, not turing. That would be a whole different thing!
this year has really sped by!!!