Keeley loves any song with baby in it. Baby, baby is fine. You can sing baby baby over and over again and she loves it. Today I opened her door and sang ‘stand by your maaaaan’…. that was a kick. I think she was mostly glad to see me, because she was hungry, but still, hilarious! I think her sense of humor is finally starting to kick in. I put her (clean) diaper on my head and that made her laugh. I played the ‘sailor went to sea sea sea’ game with her and that was a great giggle. Patty cake even almost got a snort, and she hasn’t liked patty cake for a few months. Go figure. Anyway, I guess that’s her prerogative. Here’s the 2 of us getting a good laugh at daddy.
What a sweetheart! And the baby is awfully cute, too.
Sweet she’s really posing for the camera.