I’ll try and jam in everything I can into a quick update post.
- Bye grandma, so many people came to see you off, many more are there to greet you when you arrive. You shared love with a lot of people, I hope you can see that where you are.
- Please continue in prayers for the rest of the family.
- On the other hand, saw family we wouldn’t have seen otherwise….
- Matthew’s back is doing a lot better with the visits to the chiropractor.
- We both need dental appointments, doctor’s checkups, and to get Keeley in for her 9 month appointment in a handful of weeks. She’s not 8 months until next week, but still, these things do take time.
- On that note, my tooth which needs a crown is hurting me now, even when I’m not eating. First it was cold, then it progressed to chewing, now it’s full time.
- My cold seems to be over with for the most part.
- We have more errands that we need to run than we can count.
- Keeley has successfully eaten sweet potatoes, banana and about half a peach. She also got some water from her sippy cup last night.
- My shopping trip with the girls was a huge success, I am loving the new clothes I have, however I still only have 2 pair of shorts.
- For the love of God, anyone have suggestions on a diaper bag? I keep asking but don’t really get any good answers. I don’t want to pack a duffel bag for a day trip, but that’s how it’s ending up. Any name brands anyone can throw out there that will hold 9ish diapers (so 18 disposables basically), some wipes, toys, and a blanket? Anyone? Or do you know anyone with twins that uses a particular bag?
- Harry Potter movie comes out in about 5 weeks. Do we split and each go at a separate time, or try and get a late late movie when Keeley will be asleep and ask a parental unit (or grandparental unit as the case may be) to watch her for 3 hours?
- Reading when Keeley is napping or playing quietly. Hopefully this will be good modeling and increase my vocabulary. I feel quite dumb when all I do is stare at stuffed toys all day and repeat ‘blue elephant, look, he’s got stars on his feet’, ‘what color is the giraffe?’ But the reading seems to help.
I’m sorry about your grandma.
I always preferred a backpack to a diaper bag (Lots of pockets, and I carried my own stuff in it, too), although for a short time, I used a wheelchair bag on the back of the stroller.
“I feel quite dumb when all I do is stare at stuffed toys all day ”
That’s not what you’re doing, really. You’re raising the next generation, and you’ve dedicated yourself to making sure you do the job right.
I can’t tell you about the diaper bag. Sometimes a backpack works well too (at least you can put it around your shoulders).
And as for the movie – DATE NIGHT. A good excuse for you and your husband to get out together. Take in the late show. Keeley will be fine for 3 hours without you, especially if she is asleep for most of that time.
Oh – the 12 month shots are HORRIBLE. My poor Caboose – he just got them on Wednesday and boy did he scream. all my kids screamed. You feel like such a schmuck holding them down. His tears rolled. And then the next morning he had a cold. I don’t know if it was from the shots or he caught it at the same time. The past two nights have been awful – snot city, trouble breathing, up all night. I HATE SHOTS!!!!
I have a Storksak “Emily” bag and lOVE it. It has 2 insulated bottle pockets on the outside (so you don’t have to dig through the bag) and tons of room. It is very stylish and doesn’t look like a diaper bag.
P.S. I found your blog off of The Foster Family blog
I’m just starting to catch up on my bloggers out there – it is probably too late to help you, but we LOVE our Lands End diaper bag – we have a full sized one and a “day tripper” (or something like that) one that we use for Harper’s allergy meds. They are super durable and you can fit a TON in the regular bag. I love how the top opens on a sort of frame so you can have the diaper bag wide open and easily see everything you’ve got in there. We carry those bags everywhere! Good luck.