Fun Monday-Breaking the Mold

fun_monday_logo_jpglargeWhat happened the day you were born? Did you ever think about what your birthday shares with the rest of the years in your life? What happened then a tragedy, a funny stunt, or a sports phenomenon?

Click on Mr. Linky to add your name and play along. Sorry it’s only the image one, for some reason Mr. Linky’s ‘regular’ one is broken.

So what happened the day I was born? Well my mom went into labor, got cleaned up for the day, got my dad up and made arrangements for my brothers’ care, and got to the hospital in time for the nurse to ‘catch’ me. The doctor didn’t arrive in time, but still sent them a bill anyway. So what else happened the day I was born?

Well one thing that happened on the actual day was: Pope John Paul II makes the first ever visit to a Communist Country by visiting Poland (his homeland).

  • Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953
  • Timothy McVeigh was convicted of the OK City bombings in 1997, about 3 days after I graduated high school.
  • In 1924 “American Indians” were given citizenship upon being born (duh, they were ‘here’ first, why did we need a law for that?
  • I share a birthday with one of the Rolling Stones
  • And ‘Tarzan’ (Johnny Weissmuller)
  • And eh hmm, in 1740, the so called original pervert freak ‘Sadist’ was born, a French author named Marquis de Sade. (snicker snicker)


  1. grr I HATE this Mr Linky format, it’s going to be a pain, bear with it, though guys. hopefully the next time someone uses it, it will be fixed!

  2. I bought a Mr Linky subscription to use for Fun Monday —
    let me check and see if you can use it.

    Hey — I never thought about the day I was born on any given year.
    I just looked at my birth year. Before time began.

  3. I’m LOL at Gattina’s comment!

    This is a fun theme…and hope I did not fail you… 😀

    And I love the Rolling Stones…hmmm I have to figure out who…

  4. Wow you share a with “Tarzan” how cool is that! I did not play this week, couldn’t find anything interesting…ho hum!

  5. And I share a birthday with QE II’s son, Prince Charles, on Nov. 14. Really cool many years ago because this island where I taught had his b-day as a state holiday. We got out of school. Yippee!

    Sorry I didn’t sign up for Fun Monday–need to get back in the groove after a break from posting. I do have something up that may be interesting if you like People Magazine or celebrity gossip in general. 🙂

  6. I missed out on this week’s theme. How fun it would have been. We had to take a trip because of a death in the family, but I’m back to blogging again and had to check to see who was hosting for next week.

    Happy Friday Jill!!!

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