Fun Monday

Sayre is this week’s hostess for Fun Monday! Here’s her assignment: Using your imagination, project into the future and tell me what you will be like as an 80-year old. Will you be someone who doesn’t accept the aging process, spending all your time in thegym and the bars, or will you be a rocking chair granny, or something in between?

Well, I guess as an 80 year old, I hope that I’ll be fairly accepting of the aging process. My own mother is in her 60s and still looks great! Most people don’t believe her when she tells her age. I’m kind of like her, I see no sense in lying about those things. No amount of plastic surgery, at least if you have kids, is going to make people forget that you can’t be 29 if your kid is 22, you know? I hope that I am definitely not working by then, and that my husband and I are enjoying old age in the front porch swing, watching grandkids if we have any (no pressure, baby girl, you’re still a baby yourself), and perhaps maybe seeing a great grandkid or two. Never know. I hope my nieces and nephews remember that I was good to them growing up and come and visit me and bring their kids for a visit as well. I hope that I have gotten a good reputation for being a nice person and that at least one person looks up to me, whether I know about it or not. I hope that someone realizes that my life was fun, tragic, interesting, or something! and thinks fondly of the funny stories that Matthew and I are able to tell. In short, I hope that I have a good life, live well, and prepare myself well for the afterlife. I hope in doing so that I am a good witness for the next generation of family as to what being a good person means and how fulfilling it can be. Please read about what my grandmother did in her 80s, here.

Yesterday, all of you bloggers were my heroes, please feel free to scan down and read other posts about heroes, about me participating in candy trials and much more! I’ll have next week’s Fun Monday topic up later on this week!


  1. You have a great outlook on life. I too modeled myself after my Gram, she lived to be 93. I always say, I am going to be like my Gram. Happy FM to you.

  2. Fabulous post! I also have a mom who is 60-something and looks at least 10 years younger. I have fingers crossed that I inherited those genes 😉 And thanks for your comment on my post! My anti-winter sentiment is purely personal…I have always hated cold weather. To each their own; some people detest warm weather and are happiest in snowboots. That’s fine; more room on the beach for me 🙂

    Thanks for this post, and happy FM to you!

  3. Nice post! I agree with your outlook on natural beauty…my Mom is 62 and no one would believe her! LOL And she is not a make-up fan…

  4. Nice post! I agree with your outlook on natural beauty…my Mom is 62 and no one would believe her! LOL And she is not a make-up fan…

    Wish you a great week!

  5. You brought up something I hadn’t thought of. Being a good example for the generations that come after me. That is very important. To help guide them to live their lives well and happily.

  6. “I hope in doing so that I am a good witness for the next generation of family as to what being a good person means and how fulfilling it can be. “–Excellent thought. Very well spoken.

  7. Your grandmother sounds an amazing lady. There was time when others said I didn’t look my age but those days are long behind me and although I’m now in my mid 60’s I do look my age. I’m giving in and aging gracefully or am I…do a few highlights to cover the grey count as being vain and trying to knock back the years LOL.

  8. I want to age naturally. I’m not interested in facelifts (though a tummy tuck wouldn’t be out of the question!) or coloring my hair. I think people who are more accepting of their age do so more slowly than those who fight it every inch of the way.

    I’m sure you will be a beautiful 80 year old!

  9. I do not intend to age as my mother or my grandmother did! Neither of them lived past their 60’s because of the ravages of a lifetime of a nicotine habit.

    My great-grandmother lived into her 80’s but had alzheimers. So I don’t wanna go that route either. She was confused for years! Who was I?

    Another grandmother had heart disease, treatable now but not back then. She nearly made it to 70.

  10. My mother, 92, also aged gracefully. My husband has actually requested that I not dye my hair so that it might silver as prettily as hers did. Terrific post.

  11. Appreciated your tribute to your grandmother Jill. I actually had an adopted grandmother who shared many of her qualities–low key, guiding and supporting the young without smothering, paying attention to the little things, competent. And I agree with your philosophy on aging gracefully and enjoying the fruits of a life well lived.

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