Fun Monday: Pampering? Hmm.. what is that?

fun_monday_logo_jpglarge1Mariposa is the hostess for FM this week, and her topic is pampering, how do we pamper ourselves? Pampering huh? The baby is the only one ‘pampered’ around here, and I don’t mean her bum! She gets a manicure and a pedicure several times a week, and a bath every day or two, or three, let’s face it, she doesn’t get real dirty. Her clothes and diapers are washed for her and she is dressed by her servants, fed upon demand, whisked to bed at a moment’s notice for a lovely sleep, and then awakens to be fed yet again, lest we (I) feel her wrath. Her toys and other accessories follow her wherever she goes, and if she’s not sung to every couple of days, she gets in a royal snit.

Me, get pampered? Get real! 2 weeks ago I managed to get my badly chipped nail polish off my piggies and get them trimmed, then last weekend I managed to get polish reapplied. It’s not that I don’t have TIME to do it, it’s just that I’d much rather be doing a million other things than taking care of myself. Who is supposed to pamper me? Anyone know? I haven’t had a haircut or my brows taken care of since October 2007. I have to keep my nails short so I don’t scratch the baby and forget any new jewelry, it would just get slobbered on. No, I don’t get pampered around here. BB (before baby), my idea of pampering was getting to have a bath every week or so and lazily reading a book. Sigh. Not anymore!


  1. Great post, Jill! I have no idea how moms with kids do it. I have a difficult enough time getting stuff like haircuts and the odd nail appointment in as it is. I was 30+ years old before I had my first pedicure. It isn’t everyone’s “thing”, and I have never been much of a girly girl, but heaven help me, I love it 😉 Thanks for sharing and happy FM to you!

  2. This too shall pass, the baby will grow up so fast and you will have lots of time to do what you missed. But you will yearn to have these days back… its true. Wisdom is speaking!

  3. What Janis says is true. I remember when I first had ZBoy, I wondered if I would EVER bathe again. Much less cut my hair, clean my house, FINISH the laundry or just go sit in the dark and enjoy a movie without changing a diaper or feeding a small but constantly hungry mouth.

    But I did. Much sooner than I thought. Now, 10 years later, Z is independent enough that I can go to the grocery store without him (I keep my cell handy just in case), but he’s perfectly capable of washing himself, feeding himself and entertaining himself. And I can grab my pampering wherever I can.

    Your day will come. I promise.

  4. Janis and Sayre hit the nail on the head! You WILL get time for self-pampering. Right now, your focus is where it should be. Enjoy each and every day with your little one, as time flies by in a blink of an eye!

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