Funny things happen in small towns. I took Keeley for a walk (we went down the street to the middle school and recycled our newspapers and misc. paper mail) and when we came back I saw a guy on a lawn mower. But he didn’t appear to be mowing anything. Just on the street, and it had a giant orange flag on a pole sticking up on the back. Then, I realized. Only in a small town. This guy either couldn’t afford a car or he had lost his license and could no longer legally drive. So he was able to operate a motorized vehicle, just not one with a roof or a seatbelt.
Another observation, about Wal-Mart, in our new town, apparently when it turns dark, you can pull your vehicle up to the path along the doors and load your vehicle directly from the sidewalk, no need to take those nasty carts ALL the way out to the parking lot, nope! Just pull your vehicle up. I swear, it was like frogger trying not to hit them, there had to be 6 of them, lined up every few feet. In the dark. Yeah, anyway, I also found it hilarious, and stopped myself from calling my husband by an ounce of sanity, but we live in a place now where there’s like 99.99% white people. That’s just how it is. I saw the .01% Asian couple that lives in town. I nearly busted myself by falling on the concrete laughing. I wanted to scream, HEY! YOU! Yeah, you, you’re the .01% aren’t you? I’ve been in the city too long. There, we were the minority, by like, a lot. It didn’t bother me a bit, but still, it’s what you get for being so observant in a small town.
Oh and since I haven’t done so in a while, here’s Keeley trying out part of her Sunday outfit last Saturday night. No, it’s not LLBean, nor are we trying to get her in a catalog (suggested by various relatives last weekend), we were trying to keep the darn gnats off of her head –do you guys have those gnats? They’re a lot bigger than regular gnats and solid black, I think they’re called buffalo gnats. The only thing that distracts them is vanilla. Try slathering vanilla on a baby and not either spilling it on her light colored clothes or having her eat it. Riiiiiight…. so a hat it was.
Fresh hat, right out of the laundry!
Cute little hat. I wish the Caboose would keep on one his head – he just keeps pulling them off.
A friend of my husband’s grandfather lost his license and did just that – drove himself around on his riding lawnmower.
I got the impression that the dude who puttered down my (exceptionally busy) street wasn’t so much using his lawnmower as alternate transportation as he was going to mow someone’s lawn. The question is whose? I am the last house on my side of the road for quite a while and he wasn’t coming here to mow.
She’s so cute.
I hope lawnmower man took the blade off. Dangerous to drive around with one on.
She’s so cute!! Small towns are a world all their own – love it or hate it. 🙂