Thanks again for hosting, Jill. I just made a belated visit to Ms Cellania, and saw your comment, where you wondered if the topic was boring. I don’t think so at all; I found it fascinating! April is kind of weird, what with Spring Break and Passover and Easter, and a lot of people are away from home or otherwise occupied…so I would put the shorter list of participants down to that. Thanks for the great topic and I hope to see you hosting again!
Thanks again for hosting, Jill. I just made a belated visit to Ms Cellania, and saw your comment, where you wondered if the topic was boring. I don’t think so at all; I found it fascinating! April is kind of weird, what with Spring Break and Passover and Easter, and a lot of people are away from home or otherwise occupied…so I would put the shorter list of participants down to that. Thanks for the great topic and I hope to see you hosting again!