Have you ever made a postcard for Christmas or some other event? I think that the ones with pictures that you can make from a mega-store are cute, but to make it ultimately personalized would be awesome. This year we opted not to send Christmas cards, as the baby was too small to get a really good picture.
We opted to use an online postcard service to send an email for St. Patrick’s day, to get out ‘something’ to everyone that we generally communicate with once a year. It also helped us to send them to people whose addresses we didn’t know and kept in touch by email. However, it seemed a little wrong to not send out cards, even though I did not really have the energy or time to sit and do so, I was too busy planning presents and worrying about the baby catching a cold. This year though, I think we will try and use up our leftover Christmas cards and perhaps do a few postcards with photos on them.
Making them customizable would be great. Especially if we can do it right from home. One of my bosses one time got each of us peons some postcards with our initials on them. I still use them from time to time if I run out of something else or just want to enclose a quick note and a sticky note seems too tacky or unprofessional, even if it’s just on my own behalf.
If I could have an unlimited budget and do my own, I’d print up full color photos of the girl (naturally) and have the reverse be for writing little notes to people telling everyone how cute she is, of course! I’m just kidding. I might use them as ‘calling cards’ though, as in, Hi, I’m this cute baby’s mom, want to set up a play date? Or something like that. Including name and phone number (or more likely, email address) to set up said play dates. Awesome, right? Yeah I thought so too. What would you use postcards for?